Be sure to check out April and May's schedule to the left in the side bar. We have as lot of exciting things going on. We have an Advanced Silhouette Class, Copic Class, National Scrapbook Day, A Scrapbook Yard Sale and much more over the next two months.
First things first...... SEW EASY hand tools are back on stock !!
If you have not treied the Sew Easy from We Are Memory Keepers you have to stop in and give it a spin. I looks great on your scrapbook pages, cards, accent pieces and more. It makes hand sewing SEW easy ! We will have a full line of new piercing wheels available soon. I cannot wait to get my hands on the vine stitch. Until then come in and try out some of the other available piercing wheels, the possibilities are endless.

We just received our latest shipment from Echo Park which has some great Spring and Summer papers to scrap those wonderful pictures of the kids.
I am having so much fun with Echo Parks lastest releases. You have to plan a trip to stop in and see the in person and let your imaginatuion run wild.
Now lets talk a little about some of the exciting events happening in the next couple of months.
We have oour second Silhouette Class coming up on Tuesday, April 26th at 6:30. If you missed the first class you certainly don't want to miss this one. We will be going over intermedate to advanced techniques that will help bring your designs to life. If you have your program on your laptaop feel free to bring it. Be sure to call and sign up for this class.
We are now taking items for our SCRAPBOOK YARDSALE. You can stop in and register to sell your gently loved items in our yardsale. We will be accepting items until May 10th and the Yard Sale will be Saturday, May 14th. Even if you don't want to part with any of your items be sure to stop by the yard sale for some great bargans. Call the store for details on registering as a seller.
We will be having a COPIC class on Sunday, May 15th. This is a class we have had so many request for. Be sure to not miss this one. We will also be having a Crop for a Cure on May (the 21st) for a local community member Ashlee Nemeth. More details on the crop will be coming soon.
Let's not forget National Scrapbook Day!!! May7th is National Scrapbook Day at Precious Scraps and around the world. We have a special day planned for all participants. We will have special Crop Time with a couple of predesigned pages, a project or two, lots of prizes and give aways and plenty of food. The fee is $30 and will run from 10:00 am to 8 pm. Hope you can join us. Please call the store to reserve your spot today!
Until later, thanks for stopping by Precious Scraps. I think it is time for my nap...still working on getting my energy level back up. Hope to see ya soon. Bev